Data Visualization

A short description of the post.

  1. Load the R package we will use.

Quiz questions - Replace all the instances of ‘SEE QUIZ’. These are inputs from your moodle quiz. - Replace all the instances of ‘???’. These are answers on your moodle quiz. - Run all the individual code chunks to make sure the answers in this file correspond with your quiz answers - After you check all your code chunks run then you can knit it. It won’t knit until the ??? are replaced - The quiz assumes that you have watched the videos, downloaded (to your examples folder) and worked through the exercises in exercises_slides-73-108.Rmd. Knitted file is here.

Question: e_charts-1

Create a bar chart that shows the average hours Americans spend on five activities by year. Use the timeline argument to create an animation that will animate through the years.

spend_time contains 10 years of data on how many hours Americans spend each day on 5 activities

read it into spend_time

Start with spend_time


Question: echarts-2

Create a line chart for the activities that American spend time on.

Start with spend_time

Question - modify slide 82

Question: tidyquant

Modify the tidyquant example in the video

Retrieve stock price for Amazon, ticker: AMZN, using tq_get

Create a plot with the df data